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Number of questions: 30
1 - An eggplant is a vegetable.
2 - A doctor with a PhD is a doctor of what?
3 - Which slogan did the fast food company, McDonald's, use before their "I'm Lovin' It" slogan?
4 - What year was Apple Inc. founded?
5 - Which item of clothing is usually worn by a Scotsman at a wedding?
6 - What country saw a world record 315 million voters turn out for elections on May 20, 1991?
7 - Which of the General Mills Corporation's monster cereals was the last to be released in the 1970's?
8 - Instant mashed potatoes were invented by Canadian Edward Asselbergs in 1962.
9 - Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died from complications of which form of cancer?
10 - The British organisation CAMRA stands for The Campaign for Real Ale.
11 - What is the highest number of Michelin stars a restaurant can receive?
12 - What does the "G" mean in "G-Man"?
13 - Who is the founder of "The Lego Group"?
14 - Fast food restaurant chains Carl's Jr. and Hardee's are owned by the same company.
15 - What was Mountain Dew's original slogan?
16 - Which of the following buildings is example of a structure primarily built in the Art Deco architectural style?
17 - The new One World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York City was designed by which architect?
18 - According to the United States' CDC, one in how many Americans die annually due to smoking?
19 - Kissing someone for one minute burns about 2 calories.
20 - When was the Declaration of Independence approved by the Second Continental Congress?
21 - Whose greyscale face is on the kappa emoticon on Twitch?
22 - You are allowed to sell your soul on eBay.
23 - The term "scientist" was coined in which year?
24 - Who invented Pastafarianism?
25 - Rolex is a company that specializes in what type of product?
26 - In ancient Greece, if your job were a "hippeus" which of these would you own?
27 - According to the BBPA, what is the most common pub name in the UK?
28 - "Typewriter" is the longest word that can be typed using only the first row on a QWERTY keyboard.
29 - What was the soft drink Pepsi originally introduced as?
30 - Which of the following Ivy League universities has its official motto in Hebrew as well as in Latin?