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Number of questions: 16
1 - What is the domain name for the country Tuvalu?
2 - On Twitter, what is the character limit for a Tweet?
3 - The Windows 7 operating system has six main editions.
4 - The C programming language was created by this American computer scientist.
5 - The series of the Intel HD graphics generation succeeding that of the 5000 and 6000 series (Broadwell) is called:
6 - What is the code name for the mobile operating system Android 7.0?
7 - In most programming languages, the operator ++ is equivalent to the statement "+= 1".
8 - RAM stands for Random Access Memory.
9 - The numbering system with a radix of 16 is more commonly referred to as
10 - Time on Computers is measured via the EPOX System.
11 - Which programming language shares its name with an island in Indonesia?
12 - Linus Torvalds created Linux and Git.
13 - The programming language "Python" is based off a modified version of "JavaScript".
14 - The Windows ME operating system was released in the year 2000.
15 - What does the "MP" stand for in MP3?
16 - What does the computer software acronym JVM stand for?